What does acupuncture treat and what does an acupuncture appointment entail?
Acupuncture is commonly used to treat a wide range of conditions in animals, including musculoskeletal pain such as arthritis or ligament tear injuries, digestive issues, respiratory problems, metabolic diseases such as kidney disease, and neurological disorders such as intervertebral disc disease. It can also speed up the healing time and decrease pain and inflammation after surgery. Additionally, it can support the immune system and promote overall wellness. Acupuncture is generally well-tolerated by animals and is a safe and effective alternative to pharmaceuticals in many cases.
House Call vs Traditional Mobile Vets
While both house call vets and mobile vets offer the convenience of veterinary care by eliminating the commute to hospitals and wait time, there are some key differences between the two. House calls typically involve the examinations, treatments, and obtaining samples for diagnostics being performed in the home around the owners, and most traditional mobile veterinarian performs everything inside the van including the examinations. Although the traditional mobile veterinarian may have the equipment beneficial for more emergency situations, house call visits can be more intimate as most or all of the pet’s visit includes the presence of the owners.