What does acupuncture treat and what does an acupuncture appointment entail?
Acupuncture is commonly used to treat a wide range of conditions in animals, including musculoskeletal pain such as arthritis or ligament tear injuries, digestive issues, respiratory problems, metabolic diseases such as kidney disease, and neurological disorders such as intervertebral disc disease. It can also speed up the healing time and decrease pain and inflammation after surgery. Additionally, it can support the immune system and promote overall wellness. Acupuncture is generally well-tolerated by animals and is a safe and effective alternative to pharmaceuticals in many cases. Acupuncture is especially beneficial for pets with liver and kidney diseases that cannot take traditional pain medications.
Whenever a pet is seen for acupuncture, first we need to assess if the pet will allow for us to place needles, and stay in place for 30-40 mins. We bring a veterinary assistant who will pet your dog or cat and give them treats to help them stay in place.
After we discuss the medical history, current symptoms, and personality traits, we will do a TCVM exam that includes checking the tongue, pulse, temperature, range of motion of the limbs, and spinal palpation. Acupuncture points are chosen depending on all the information from the exam and medical history.
The first acupuncture appointment including the exam can last anywhere from 60-90 mins. The first few sessions are recommended weekly, or every 2 weeks, then spaced out to every 2-4 weeks as needed. Every pet’s needs are different. Chinese herbal therapy and food therapy are also recommended for each pet.